
Free AI Greeting Generator

Provide a warm and welcoming introduction to the new employee. Personalize greeting that is tailored to the individual, provide helpful information about the company. All can be done in couple clicks with AI Perfect Assistant.

Free AI Greeting Generator

How to use the Free AI Greeting Generator?

A brief tutorial on how-to use our Free AI Greeting Generator tool.


Fill out "Type a few sentence about new employee"

For example, you can start with something like "The new employee of the finance department of the bank"


Tune tone and language

Set a preferred tone for the result and language. We are fans of a "casual" tone.


Click "Generate with AI"

That's it! You'll get three highly relevant results to select from, generated for you by the top AI model.

Greet New Employee Example

A quick example to demonstrate how Free AI Greeting Generator works.


The new employee of the finance department of the bank


Hello [Employee Name],

Welcome to the Finance Department at [Bank Name]! We are thrilled to have you join our team. Your expertise and fresh perspective will be a valuable asset as we continue to achieve excellence in our financial operations. If you have any questions or need assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Looking forward to working with you!

Best regards,
[Your Name]

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Our happy clients say about us

“We started using the AI assistant for creative writing on our team. Having it installed to my Word document is incredible. It's always at hand and the quality of the content it produces is amazing.”

Jin Syoung

Chief Marketing Officer

“AI Perfect Assistant creates readable and understandable pieces of texts. You may just type in the requirements and all the work is done! No misprints or stumbles, love it!”

Lizbeth Gonzalez

Chief Human Resources Officer

“Nice addition to my MS Teams bundle. Quick chat messages, translations and comment with no extra effort or brainstorming.”

Kazu Kawasaki

Business Unit Manager

Love using it

I love using AI Perfect Assistant for Office365! It makes writing blogs so easy with its prompt templates, language preferences, writing style and writing tone options. It always gives me impressive results with brilliant formatting!

Lisa Sharpe [Source]

Content Manager at Starbucks

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